Sky: COTL and Social Play

Social Play: "any activity performed near other players, which encourages simulating the thoughts and feelings of others" - John Hughes, thatgamecompany
My Role
Project Lead & UX Designer
Tools/Skills Used:
Figma, User Flow, Affinity Diagram, Prototyping, User Survey, Empathy Map
4 weeks (Feb 2021 - March 2021)
Project overview:
Open world MMO game Sky: Children of the Light emphasizes social interaction between players. The game’s Friends List feature, or "Friend Constellation,” is the main method for users to intentionally interact with another known user. As a veteran player myself, I wanted to conduct research to see how the Friend Constellation’s mechanics affected player experience.

Read final paper here:

See Final Prototype
Users struggle to navigate the Friend Constellation. This inhibits social interactions, a key feature of the game.
Research aim:
1. Observe user behavior and specific pain points
2. Learn how the Friend Constellation affects social play
3. Identify user journey and uncover UX blockers
How are friends displayed?

Currently, the friend constellation:

  • Has up to 5 screens, starting with the favorited friends
  • Changes friend “star” positions periodically
  • Allows interaction with friends — can favorite, block, send a daily gift, and join friends
Recruited 4 social, veteran users:

Search Criteria:

  • Behavior: plays weekly
  • Demographics: played for +1 month, has +72 added friends
  • Technology: has mobile device with Sky and Discord apps
Research participant demographics:

    Survey results showed all participants log on +3 times weekly, add 1-5 new friends weekly, and have played the game for anywhere between 9-14 months.


    Summative Usability Testing

    • Qualitative insight
    • 25 - 45 min individual sessions
    • Self reported quantitative data

    Sessions consisted of up to 2 tasks:

    • Try to find a friend you don't see in your friend constellation at this moment
    • Please bring any friends removed in task 1 back to the friend constellation (if applicable)

    Followed by a semi-structured interview:

    Focused on previous behavior with making and finding friends as well as how users would want to find friends

    And finished with a System Usability Scale Survey.


    1. Affinity Diagram

    Transcribed, grouped and coded user inputs & behavior

    2. User Flow

    Used user behaviors to detail every possible step and route of the current journey

    3. System Usability Scale Survey

    Exported to Google sheets and calculated manually

    “The constellation is very cute, but it’s not super useful in terms of finding people” - User G

    Critical finding: users can't find friends and are forced to find workarounds.

    In fact, the constellation, though aesthetically pleasing, is disorganized and forces users to recheck repeatedly among the different screens. During this study, I discovered that the friend constellation only displays up to 72 friends at once, with the first screen holding up to 25 favorited friends. For players with over 72 friends, some names are inevitably invisible.

    Users have started using the constellation features creatively. For example, many users couple the "favorite friend" feature with visual cues like emojis in the friend name. The most unique finding is the community-spread workaround that includes temporarily blocking friends until the name sought-after shows up. By blocking friends they see on the constellation, users make space for the invisible names to take their place. These methods changes what the blocking feature is designed to be used for.

    Players hear about this method via other friends or the online communities. However, the user flow shows how easily users fall into a cumbersome cycle of searching and/or blocking others. Success isn't guaranteed for those experienced with the blocking tactic, either.

    How does this affect social play? 

    The constellation unintentionally causes users—especially those with larger friend lists—to lose contact against their wishes. While users don't seem to struggle finding the friends they spend the most time with, reconnecting with friends is difficult without their contact information.

    In fact, participants recalled instances where they were just with a friend in-game, but disconnected and couldn't find their name on the constellation again. As a result, users' friend circles are reduced.

    Evidence from usability testing:

    While users are satisfied with with the constellation most of the time, these inhibiting experiences arise enough to create an unpleasant memory.

    • User P blocked +80 friends in task 1 unaware that the favorited and emoji-labelled friend in question was on the main constellation from the start.
    • User G was notified in-game a friend was online (this only occurs for favorited friends), but could not find their name on the constellation to play with them.
    • User H was with a friend in-game, left to equip an item, but could not find and rejoin their friend through the constellation until they blocked numerous players.

    As a result, the  average SUS score regarding users' experiences with the friend constellation is below what's desired. Each user's SUS score correlated with how much they struggled with Task 1.

    Average SUS Score:


    Allow users to organize/customize the Friend Constellation.

    The data shows what users want to gain from finding a name on the constellation:

    I recommend giving users the option to filter by who is online, who has sent a gift, and potentially who can receive a gift. This would benefit users immensely in saving time and resources.

    However, if the goal is to address this study's issues, a search feature would have prevented any of the user anecdotes above where users could not contact a specific friend. I have made prototypes for both the filter and search feature routes.

    Filter prototype:

    The candle light icon is presented throughout the game when the user is "giving" -- such as avatar vision, unblocking, and the daily gift of light or heart.

    When users collect these daily gifts, they fill up a heart meter, a form of currency. The icons were chosen to be consistent with the game.

    "Search" prototype:

    I created a search icon for the friend constellation in the top right corner. Clicking it opens a search bar.

    As the user types, the screen displays friend names that start with what's typed. If there is a large amount of friends that begin with the same letters, you can tap the space outside the search bar and browse among the 5 screens. Beyond this prototype, there should be a loading indicator, and clicking on a friend should open up the interaction menu like the original constellation.

    Now imagine this scenario: my old friend Mona messaged me on Discord asking to catch up through Sky, but because I have a large friends list and haven't played with her in months, I don't  see her name. However, with my prototypes, we can easily find each other. My prototypes act as a simple solution to a specific, but frustrating problem while staying consistent with Sky's current design and style.

    Post-project notes:

    It may be worth exploring just how many users have over +72 friends, and how many actually maintain relationships beyond the main friends they interact with.

    Further research should be conducted on a "remove friend" feature and organizational tools for the friend constellation.

    Since this project's completion, thatgamecompany has made some changes to the friend constellation. There are now a few screens with customizable constellations for users to fix the positions of some friends.